Thursday, January 7, 2010

Holiday Time

Tim's Poker Face on New Year's at Ashley and Aaron's house. It was a great time!

Ashley reading to Carter, Ella and Isabel.

Alyssa jamming to the Karoake machine.

I got friends in "LOW" places.

Nick (Ashley's son) and Isabel (Shannon's daughter) singing probably some Lady GaGa.

The Neals 2009

Isaiah has 2 loose teeth! The tooth fairy should be visiting soon.

Christmas morning. I love Alyssa's reaction in this one!

Alyssa got sponge rollers from Grandma. Ella wanted some too.

Our visit with Grandma was snow-filled in Johnson City.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

aaww hope u had a merry christmas by the way love how in a lot of the pictures isaiah is in his underwear and tiffany would love all the starwars stuff!