Monday, February 15, 2010

Ella's expanding vocabulary

Some recent things out of Ella's mouth:

"Mommy, my milk is disgusting"

"My big girl bed is SOOOOOOO comfortable"


"My feet are very chilly"

She has just been cracking us up lately with the things that are coming out of her mouth. With the dreaded 3's ahead of us (yes, 3's are MUCH worse than 2's) you never know what we have in store for us!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What we did on our snow day

Gran got Alyssa a video camera for Christmas and so we played with it today on her snow day. The girl likes to perform. Enjoy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The toothless wonder

Isaiah lost his first tooth this weekend. Tim did the trick where you tie the string around the doorknob and slam the door. He wasn't scared at all and it worked on the first try. So, now, Alyssa and Isaiah both lost their first teeth that way. The tooth fairy brought 4 quarters, which Isaiah immediately announced (at 5:45 am) that he was taking to his preschool to put in the Haiti relief fund. A generous soul! I will say that this milestone makes me a little sad! Time is really flying by!