Sunday, July 20, 2008


Since St. Patrick's Day last year at the kids' old daycare, Alyssa and Isaiah have both been infatuated with leprechauns. Anytime we can't find something, they are sure that the leprechauns took it. It is hilarious and always rears it head at the funniest times. Isaiah got to bring home a "cannon ball" (a black balloon) on the last day of pirate camp. Here is a conversation I had with Isaiah today concerning his cannon ball and the leprechauns:

Mom: Isaiah, you shouldn't sit on the cannon ball, you are going to pop it.
Isaiah: (Being 3, of course, he sits HARDER on it.) Look mom, it didn't pop. I have a magic bottom.
Mom: You have a magic bottom?
Isaiah: Yep. The leprechauns came and sprinkled it with gold dust while I was sleeping.
Mom: So, your magic bottom doesn't pop balloons when you sit on them.
Isaiah: Nope!

I wonder if the leprechauns have enough gold dust for my bottom? :-)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Camp Fun

This week Alyssa is attending Zoo camp and Isaiah is going to Pirate camp. They are both having a blast. Here is a picture of them in their "garb" from today. And, we have all been singing "I said a boom-chicka-boom, I said a boom-chicka-boom" all evening.

Alyssa's vacation "do"

Alyssa had her hair braided "oh so tropically" before we went on our trip. It looked adorable and lasted almost a week. She thought she was something. Thought I would share.

Some pictures from our trip

We started our trip at Grandma Smith's for the 4th of July. See this hilarious picture of Ella eating corn on the cob. So cute. We then spent the next several nights in Destin. I really didnt' take that many pictures, but see the one of Alyssa in the "talent show" on our last night there. She and Trinity were singers/dancers and then we had a post-talent show performance on Friday in the pool where they were dolphins and did many tricks. One of our favorite moments of the week was when we asked Isaiah what he was going to do for the talent show. He said "I am going to do a somersault . . . And breathe fire." It was so matter of fact and took us off guard. And, sure enough, he did a somersault and "breathed fire". It was great! Also, see the picture of Tim with each of the older ones in bumper cars. Alyssa loved it, Isaiah was not so sure! A few other random pictures!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


We have returned safe and sound from BEAUTIFUL Destin, Florida after a week long vacation. We had a wonderful time and have many funny stories and some good pictures (although we are mostly going to get other people's copies--I need to get better at pictures) that I will share with you later. Right now, the camera is downstairs and my brain is too fried to think! So, I will have some funny stuff for you all tomorrow, hopefully!