Friday, June 27, 2008

A little more diva-tude

Ok, Alyssa is the one being funny the last few days, so that is why she is getting most of the blog-light! Yesterday, I wrote of the diva. She has been watching the new Disney movie "Camp Rock" this week. (This is one of my neverending dilemmas of how much to shelter my kids and how much to let them live in the world. She loves musicals, what can I say!) In the movie, one of the Jonas Brothers acts like a spoiled rock musician when he is sent to camp for the summer. So, today, we went through the drive-thru for lunch today and I handed her drink back to her and Isaiah's back to him. I hear her say "Where is my straw? Call my agent!" I thought I was going to die laughing. I know it was from the movie, but it so fit Alyssa's personality too.

By the way, I extremely limited her music preferences last night. She is also a fan of The Eagles, Natalie Grant, Mary J. Blige, Chris Brown, Fergie, Casting Crowns, Bon Jovi and John Mayer. She likes some mellow songs, but mostly likes to rock out!

Our Diva

Just a few pics from the last few days of Ms. Alyssa. She is really into "performing"! She is really liking this Christian rap/hip-hop artist Toby Mac (Gran knows him now :-)) and a group called Pure NRG. See her doing her best imitation. She has elaborate costumes sometimes and "unique" dance moves which leave me wondering where in the heck she saw them. Anyway, she continues to express interest in joining some kind of singing activity, so we are looking into what would be the best thing for her. I really just think she wants to be the next American Idol. Please pray for us!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Music Man

Tim took Isaiah to soccer this evening and while I was fixing dinner, Alyssa was playing in the tree in the backyard (monkey girl). Anyway, the ice cream truck was in the neighborhood and Pop Goes the Weasel was playing louder and louder. The window was open and she yelled in, "Hey mom, I hear the music man." I told her that I did too! We owe a big thanks to our friends Chris and Tammy for sharing this little secret with us when Alyssa was but a babe. She has no idea at the age of 5 that the music man has hundreds of delicious ice cream treats in his truck! She just thinks that he drives around and shares the joy of Pop Goes the Weasel with the entire neighborhood. I will have to say that I felt a tinge of guilt about that, because I really didn't think we would make it to the age of 5 with this little "omission of the full truth"! I am sure we will be guilted into our share of ice cream treats in the years to come. But, right now, I am enjoying the beauty of childhood innocence!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Yesterday at church, Alyssa knocked out her other top front tooth. It wasn't a traumatic event, and we were glad to see it go. Since the other one had been out, this one was moving closer and closer to the middle of her mouth and it was the tooth that she chipped when she was a baby (the evidence is gone Andy!). But, anyway, she brought her tooth in last night and was expecting a visit from the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy had many other things on her mind last night and forgot to make a visit. Luckily, the tooth was not in the normal place and she said "the tooth fairy couldn't find my tooth. We will have to put it out again tonight." Whew, I lucked out on that one! And, the 4 quarters are already in there tonight!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Soggy Days

I had to tell this story! Alyssa's t-ball league had a family fun day today, which involved a mother-daughter t-ball game, father-daughter t-ball game, food and a moon walk and big blow up slide. We went when it started at 11am and played in the mother-daughter game and the kids jumped in the moonwalk and we all did the big slide (Ella was the only one that didn't like it. And, I did go down with her.) So, when we sat down to eat our food it started to thunder and lightning. Alyssa and Isaiah were jumping in the moonwalk and Tim, Ella and I were sitting with our neighbor finishing our lunch at a picnic table in a covered shelter. All of the sudden, we saw the rain and wind coming right at us across the ball diamond. Papa Bear mode kicked in and Tim ran to get Alyssa and Isaiah out of the moonwalk. Isaiah sprinted the fastest I have ever seen him run to the shelter, with Alyssa and dad right behind him. By this time, I was holding Ella and I grabbed Isaiah and Tim grabbed Alyssa and we all moved into the middle of the shelter. Mind you, we are still being pelted by rain and the wind is blowing like crazy. Tim says, "I'm going to get the car." So, the kids and I stay in the shelter. Isaiah is screaming and very scared and Alyssa doesn't know what to think. Ella seems fine, just cold. Meanwhile, we see the moonwalk and the inflatable slide blown out of the ground and go tumbling across the open field next to the diamond. Tim then pulls right up to the shelter in the van, driving on a sidewalk and everything. It was daddy to the rescue. We grab everyone and throw them in the car as fast as we can. I get everyone buckled and Tim gets the stroller and gets it in the back. When he finally gets in the car, he is SOAKING WET. I mean, dripping from every inch of his body. He backed up out off the sidewalk into the parking lot and we just started cracking up. We were all soaked and now that we were safe, it was hilarious!!! What an adventure. I don't think the kids will forget that for a while! See some pictures of the drowned rats and Tim's shorts that were wet everywhere. Well, almost everywhere!!! HA HA! We later found out that the winds were 60mph and the slide knocked down part of the backstop on one of the diamonds and was ripped. And, 2 trees were severely damaged by the winds. This is an adventure that we are glad ended when it did!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Alyssa had her last t-ball game tonight and received her first trophy. She was very excited, so she came home and "polished it" (with a wipe) and put it on her high shelf with her very special things. She had a great time and says she wants to play again next year! The past few days Ella has been saying SO many words. I think in the next couple of months she is going to be talking up a storm. I love it when they can communicate without breaking the glass in the windows!

See some pics from Alyssa and Isaiah's trip to Cincy. They had so much fun!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sorry I haven't been blogging much this week. I am a little off since Alyssa and Isaiah both have been gone for part of the week at Gran's house. Isaiah went from last Friday to Tuesday and we swapped him for Alyssa until tomorrow. They are getting royally spoiled at Gran's and have had a BLAST!!! I hope Gran and Aunt Gin get rested up this weekend after all the entertaining! I know both of the kids are making memories that will always be with them!

We have had a fairly "normal" week here at home. I did take Isaiah roller skating today with our teens from church. He had a lot of fun skating with mom! I found out that skating is pretty much like riding a bike. After a few laps, I felt like I was back at Gibson Arena! I love doing things that make me feel young, if only for a few minutes!

Hope everyone else is enjoying the summer!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Look at me mom!

I had to share this picture. One of my favorite things to make for the kids (and me) in the summer is fruit smoothies. It is a good way to sneak in a lot of fruit and they think it is a great treat. I decided to freeze some today and make fruit smoothie popsicles. So, I was able to give Ella one without any guilt. AAAAHHHH! See her eating it in the attached pic. She kept holding it up to me every time I would look at her. I couldn't decide if she thought I was going to take it away from her or if she was just saying "Look mom, I'm eating a popsicle." She finished almost the whole thing until she said "Ahh Duu"!
Also see the pic of her looking goofy in our friend Ashley's sunglasses!

Today in the car, Isaiah said "Mom, when I grow up I am going to get married and have kids." I said "Great, I hope you do." He then said, "When the brother hits the sister, I am going to say 'No TV for you brother. Go sit on the stairway.'" It just cracked me up. Ya think he has heard that before? I am attaching a couple of pictures. Our friend Ashley came and stayed all night with us and hung out all day yesterday. She brought all of her play makeup and Alyssa was in heaven. They played makeup and fashion show twice and even convinced Isaiah to paint his toenails bright red. Also, see the naked baby fast asleep in the car seat on the way home from the splash park.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kids day anyone?

As I was putting Alyssa to sleep tonight, we were talking about what we were going to do tomorrow. I told her that since I am the worst procrastinator, we have to go get Father's Day presents for daddy and the papaws. She looked at me for a minute and said, "When is kids' day?" I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "Well, there is a mother's day and a father's day, but when is kids' day?" I told her that there wasn't a kids' day, but that was a very good question. In a few years, I will be able to share with her that Christmas, Easter, Tooth fairy and a whole other slew of days during the year are for all kids everywhere. But, I thought I would withhold that for her tender 5-year-old heart. I thought it was a pretty good question, though!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Alyssa and Isaiah were jumping off the couch today onto a mountain of pillows and cushions. It was larger than normal and they were yelling "Cannonball" while they jumped head first into the pile. It looked scary to me and just as I warned "Please be careful", Isaiah did a wicked jump into the pile and bounced off and then went head first into the ground. There was a pretty loud thump and he stood up rubbing his head to say "That hurt, but not so bad because of my big rockhead. I am glad I have a rockhead." Oh, I hope he isn't scarred for life from that nickname, but right now it is a benefit!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Beach Baby

Check out those thighs! I wish it was still considered cute at age 31, don't you ladies!!!!

Finally, it has been warm enough for some sprinkler fun.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hooray for Shorts

Isaiah finally decided that shorts might be Ok to wear today. As a lot of you know, he is my child that does not like change of any kind. So, when the seasons change, we have a hard time transitioning our clothing. (Isaiah has many clothing issues, but this is just one of them.) So, I am very happy to report that he FINALLY put shorts on for the first time all year today. And he declared "I like shorts now." A long way from "I am NEVER going to wear shorts" that he uttered on Saturday! I love that little guy!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Last night we had our friends, Ryan, Amy, Ryan Jr. and Marie, over for dinner and the kids started playing after we ate. They were digging a hole under the tree in our backyard when Alyssa decided that she needed a rope. Tim took her to the garage and got her a rope. They proceeded to tie the rope around the tree and pull it out as far as it would go in the neighbor's yard. The next thing we know, Alyssa, Isaiah and little Ryan were pulling as hard as they could on the rope. Alyssa yelled "Look out Marie". They were absolutely convinced that they were going to be able to pull the tree down. It was hilarious. I explained to them that the tree had very large roots in the ground and they would not be able to pull it down, but that we woiuld need to use a chain saw if we were going to get the tree down. Little Ryan looked at me dead serious and said "Let's do that." See the pictures of them all tuckered out watching Alvin and the Chipmunks after a great game of kickball and the "tree-pulling down" incident. We all had a great time!