Sunday, June 1, 2008

Last night we had our friends, Ryan, Amy, Ryan Jr. and Marie, over for dinner and the kids started playing after we ate. They were digging a hole under the tree in our backyard when Alyssa decided that she needed a rope. Tim took her to the garage and got her a rope. They proceeded to tie the rope around the tree and pull it out as far as it would go in the neighbor's yard. The next thing we know, Alyssa, Isaiah and little Ryan were pulling as hard as they could on the rope. Alyssa yelled "Look out Marie". They were absolutely convinced that they were going to be able to pull the tree down. It was hilarious. I explained to them that the tree had very large roots in the ground and they would not be able to pull it down, but that we woiuld need to use a chain saw if we were going to get the tree down. Little Ryan looked at me dead serious and said "Let's do that." See the pictures of them all tuckered out watching Alvin and the Chipmunks after a great game of kickball and the "tree-pulling down" incident. We all had a great time!

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