Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kids day anyone?

As I was putting Alyssa to sleep tonight, we were talking about what we were going to do tomorrow. I told her that since I am the worst procrastinator, we have to go get Father's Day presents for daddy and the papaws. She looked at me for a minute and said, "When is kids' day?" I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "Well, there is a mother's day and a father's day, but when is kids' day?" I told her that there wasn't a kids' day, but that was a very good question. In a few years, I will be able to share with her that Christmas, Easter, Tooth fairy and a whole other slew of days during the year are for all kids everywhere. But, I thought I would withhold that for her tender 5-year-old heart. I thought it was a pretty good question, though!

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