Sunday, May 18, 2008


Why is it that sometimes no matter how you react, your child acts like a complete lunatic in public. Why is it that all the parenting books tell you to talk calmly and this will have a calming effect on the child . . . HA! Right! We just returned from the trip from hell to Meijer. And talking to a tantrum-throwing 3 year old does NOTHING to calm them down!! I was mortified as everyone in the store was looking at us and of course it was during check out and we had the snail lady as our checkout person! And, let me tell you what I have had it with lately is people who feel like they need to voice their opinions about you and/or your child. Complete strangers (or just pompous jacka**es) who feel like they need to help you by telling you the error of your ways or by trying to parent your child to whom they are a complete stranger!!! I hate that the older I get the more emotional I get and that I actually let rude people and irrational toddlers have such a huge impact on my psyche. Anybody up for a glass of wine??? How about a bottle, or 2. Good night!

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