Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blessing Others

I am a mentor for a group of teenagers at our church through our True Life ministry. This ministry is essentially an open forum for teenagers to come and share their struggles and for us to teach them what God has to say about them. I do this ministry with a good friend, Marissa, and her husband, Will, and we have almost been meeting for a year now. It has been a huge blessing to me and an emotional roller coaster at the same time. I told Tim last night that I just want to pick all of them up and bring them here to live with us. It is such a testament to how important a loving, united family is to a child of any age. I love them all and was very proud of them last night as we delivered blankets that the kids had made to a local homeless shelter. The shelter housed 9 families who are trying to rebuild their lives. Our kids had been working on the blankets for over a month and it was a great way for them to think outside themselves for a brief time (VERY hard for teenagers to do) and bless someone else. Anyway, see the pictures of our group in front of Vincent House in Fort Wayne.

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