Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My vote is rocked!

Can you believe that I walked right up to the voting booth with absolutely no wait. I think God was granting me a little favor since I had all 3 kids in tow. Alyssa was interested somewhat in the voting process during the primaries, however, she was VERY into it this time. Her school voted yesterday and all the kids got to cast a vote. It was a great experience for her, however, she was not happy that John McCain got voted in at Towne Acres. Her passion was great though! Anyway, I let her push all of our selections and hit the red "Cast vote" button. She was stoked!

Did anyone else find it odd to see all the other candidates for president besides Obama, McCain and Nader? Who knew?

1 comment:

The Wright Trips said...

I'm horrible. I just voted straight ticket, so I didn't even really read much of the ballot. But, my vote counted!! :)
