Saturday, September 6, 2008

Party times

This is our last weekend in Fort Wayne and we decided to go out with a bang. We had a large party last night at our house in order to see a lot of our friends before we left. We had about 60 people there and it was a GREAT time! Today we had a birthday party for Alyssa and Isaiah at the YMCA. I had promised them we would celebrate with their friends in Fort Wayne before we moved to TN. I had no idea we would be moving a month before their birthdays. Oh well! Both parties were great and we were so glad to be able to spend time with so many people we love! Here are some pics from the kids' party today. All the girls!
Transformers cake! Thanks Grammy!
Hannah Montana! (Grammy again)
Check out the piece missing. I cut the cake and dished a piece out before I remembered that we had to blow candles out and sing! I am such a winner, aren't I! I am glad my kids know by now that mom is just a little slow sometimes!!!

All the boys!

For Ginny!
For Ginny too!
Parachute fun!
Action shot
Ella hung with the papaws for most of the party! She is FINALLY getting over her stranger/separation anxiety!

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