Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When will these dark circles go away?

Today was a particularly hard day for Mommy Neal. After a night where all 3 kids were up multiple times, my patience was pretty short all day today. Isaiah is no longer running a fever, but is not quite yet healed up as he was in need of mom's snuggles and wasn't expressing himself very appropriately today (i.e., whining). One thing that is new to us here at the Neal house since last fall is that we are allowing Alyssa (and sometimes Isaiah with his sister) to go play with the neighborhood kids in the culdesac behing our house. We have gotten to know the parents, but this is still a VERY hard step in the growing up/letting go process. I refuse to be a "helicopter" parent (hovering over every move), but man, is this letting go stuff VERY hard. Especially when my oldest child pushes EVERY boundary she is given to the very limit. Unfortunately, she has also inherited her mother's need to please everyone and completely forgets that she has any rules whatsoever when she is with her friends. So, the past 2 days have resulted in loss of privileges because she has gone outside of her neighborhood boundary. UGGGHHH. THIS IS SO HARD!!!!!! Plus, Tim is out of town, Ella's pacy is in the bed now, she has given up her nighttime feeding and I have given up coffee and pop all since Monday. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and a lot tired. I am just ready to stop feeling like I need a nap every day. No wonder my house cannot get clean and my eyebrows can't get plucked. Does anyone have any herbal supplements or anything????? Maybe just some Red Bull will do! Good night all!


Crista Pratt said...

You need a day out sister. The circles probably go away when they are out of your house and probably not even then. Sometimes "grounding" is harder on the parents than on the kids. The kids just don't understand why it's so hard to let them go.

Jo Ellen Werking Weedman said...

uggghhh...I'm having that day today. Company coming this weekend, cereal stuck to the dining room floor, one kid with a fever, two others who are tired of being home while everyone heals from some hellish virus and oh yeah, another growing inside of me.
My to-do list is way longer than I can get to, but nap time is coming. Of course, maybe I'll just spend nap time talking on the phone to you instead of cleaning? That would make me feel better :)