Tuesday, August 11, 2009


For those of you who spend any time with Isaiah, you know that he is rarely quiet. He just has a lot to say. Whatever is going on inside his little head just has to be verbalized. A couple stories lately that just give you a little glimpse into his quirky little brain:

He recently went to Colts training camp with all the Smith/Marcum/Neal boys. During the trip, everywhere he stayed, there was a Wii. We don't have a Wii yet and have told the kids to ask Santa for a Wii this Christmas. So, Isaiah has been thinking and talking about Christmas lately. We have an elf that comes to our house after thanksgiving and hangs around until Christmas time. His name is Jamie the elf. Isaiah was asking Tim if he thought Jamie would come back this year and Tim said, "Yes, after Thanksgiving. Or, do you think he will come eat Thanksgiving dinner with us?" Isaiah replies, "NO DAD, elfs don't have teeth and he is too little for all the chairs. He would have to use a REALLY big booster seat." As if those are completely obvious reasons that an elf won't be joining us for turkey day!

We were picking Alyssa up from school yesterday and sitting in the herendous car line (hooray for the bus today) and he started asking "God" questions. For instance, "Mommy, how old is God?" "How big are God's hands?" "What is a soul?" So, I tried to answer as best I could, which is not easy for someone who doesn't think well on her feet. We proceeded to then have a conversation about how we show love to people to communicate God's love for them and after about five minutes of conversation, he decided (on his own accord) that he needed to pray for all the people who didn't have houses, enough food or tables and chairs in their house.

The boy can crack you up and melt your heart all at the same time!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was Alyssa's first day of first grade! She was really excited and has a FANTASTIC teacher! I am so excited for her and just can't wait for the year. She has quite a few friends in her class, but also some new faces too!
One of the funniest moments regarding first grade was last night. I was being goofy after dinner and singing and dancing around the living room. Alyssa said "Mom, you need to calm down." I said "But I'm just excited for first grade." and Ella replied "You going to?" So cute!
Hooray for first grade!

Recent happenings

Alyssa's drawing/cutout of herself. It was almost life-size.

When I took Alyssa school shopping, she saw these shoes and insisted on me letting her try them on. She did pretty good walking in them (much better than I would have) and got a lot of laughter and encouragement from people shopping around us. She said "When I am 7, can you bring me back to buy these shoes?" Maybe not 7!

Pair #2!
Superman and the princess!

Not sure what she was doing in this picture, but it cracked me up!