Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Legacy of Love

I finished my bible study today at the Chapel. It has been a real blessing to me during my first few months as a full-time stay-at-home mom. Isaiah and Ella really did great in their classes and I thoroughly enjoyed the study and got to know some other moms in the same life place as I am. So, it was great for all. But, amuse me for a minute while I spit some of what has been circling around in my head onto paper (ok, screen). We talked a lot in this study about what kind of heritage and legacy we will leave behind when we are called home to heaven. I have been thinking of this quite a bit over the last few weeks and have felt inspired, motivated and guilty all at the same time. I have believed for many years that we have a responsibility not only to our biological children, but also to the entire generation behind us to provide a rich spiritual heritage for them. That is why I feel it so important to teach Sunday school and why I feel very passionate about my teenage outreach ministry that we do at church. However, I feeling that where my responsibility is the largest is within my own home and this is where I fail the most. The physical care of children, especially young children, is very difficult. However, isn't it expected of ANY sort of parent? It is so easy for me to get bogged down in how "hard" it is to care for my children right now and forget that I have the opportunity, now more than ever, to show them their heritage. I sometimes find myself frustrated with tantrums and timeouts and diapers and wish that they were older and we had all moved on to a new stage. It is then that I remember how fast that the years have gone already. This time will fly and be gone before we know it and I know I will cry when I look at pictures and want it back. So, I am resolving to live more of what I believe so that my own children are blessed with a rich, spiritual heritage. A legacy of parents who love Christ and were faithful even when life wasn't rosy. A legacy of love--unconditional, sacrificial love! I am extremely blessed to be entrusted with such awesome responsibility and I will not fail! Philippians 4:13.

Happy Easter

Pictures of the munchkins on Easter. We had a great visit from Grandma, Andy, Jo-Jo and Carter. It is always fun to spend the afternoon with family, even if none of us felt particularly cheery this year!

The toothless wonder

Our big news for Saturday, was that Alyssa lost one of her front teeth. The Easter Bunny and the Tooth fairy visited in the same night. What luck!!! We wondered if they bumped in to each other. Oh, to be so innocent again. Tim "helped" Alyssa pull the tooth with the string tied to the doorknob trick. I really can't believe she lets him do that. Anyway, we were awoke at 2am with her charging in our room saying "Wake up guys, Wake up guys, the tooth fairy came." I think we mustered a high-5 and sent her back to bed until morning.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Today we went to the Botanical Gardens in downtown Fort Wayne where the Easter Bunny was visiting. They also had Easter crafts, an egg hunt and some real live animals for the kids to see. It was a great event, but a little crowded. Ella wasn't too fond of sitting on the Bunny's lap, but LOVED the live animals. The older two had a great time potting a plant and playing on the "Dr Seuss" playland. It was a great time! It was so much fun that Ella and Isaiah pooped out on the way home. You can tell they are related can't you!!

Happy Birthday to Daddy!

Tim's birthday was yesterday, 3/20 (Happy 34 Hubby!). We baked him a cake and gave him his present when he got home from Tennessee yesterday afternoon. As you can see, the kids wanted to make his cake extra special and were very excited to help him blow the candles out! We are all very thankful for another year in the life of our hero, daddy!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Papaw's visit

Papaw Smith came Tuesday night to watch Alyssa play soccer and stayed all night and had some "boy time" with Isaiah on Wednesday morning. Isaiah is really starting to gravitate toward the males in his life. He is excited to be part of "the P club". HA HA. We all had a great visit with Papaw--even Ella (for about 30 minutes). She just doesn't seem to be too fond of men yet, except her daddy! As Isaiah and Alyssa get older, it is so great for Tim and I to watch the relationships they are developing with their grandparents. They are very lucky to have so many grandparents that love them and make the effort to be a part of their lives! They will never be short on love and we thank all of you for that:-)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter, St. Patty and Kindegarten

We colored Easter eggs on Saturday. We decided to use "Extra Vibrant Colors", which required quite a bit of vinegar. Isaiah took a sniff and was MIA for quite a while. But after some coaxing he returned to do 2 eggs. Alyssa was a pro. She did really great! She is growing up and requiring a lot less supervision on projects like these. I have mixed feelings about this!!!!! On the same note, we signed her up for kindergarten on Friday at Haverhill elementary. We decided to do the 1/2 day kindergarten program mainly because of the hefty fee associated with attending full day. She is VERY excited about going to kindergarten! Even though she has been in daycare for 80% of her life, there is something about the big, bad world of kindergarten that makes every parent a bit sad. Will she get what she needs, who will protect her from the "mean" kids, who will comfort her when she is sad/hurt. But on the other hand, who will she protect from the "mean" kids, who will she comfort? If you know our Alyssa you know that she has a very strong nurturing spirit. So, excitement and apprehension are mixed as we enter this new phase.

Enjoy the picture of the girls in their green for ST. Patty's day!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Below is a picture of Alyssa all ready for her High School Musical Broadway show that Gran took her to in Cincinnati. Who does she resemble from the cast? Sharpay anyone? Heaven help us!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Torture by Car Wash

This afternoon after we went to the Y for swimming (the pool was closed, so we just ran off some energy in the children's play area), I decided to run my salt-mobile through the car wash. I didn't know this was going to create such an uproar with Mr. Isaiah. He has expressed in the past that he doesn't like the car wash, but today it particularly bothered him. As we pulled up in line, he was trying to negotiate some other "idea" that would take the place of the car wash. Then as I told the attendant which wash we wanted and paid him, he began screaming at the top of his lungs. The attendant drew a happy face on the window beside him to try to cheer him up and this just freaked him out more. So, I had to have him unbuckle his car seat and come sit on my lap for the car wash because he was just terrified. He finally calmed down and said "That wasn't so bad". Maybe for him! The joys of motherhood:-)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I am an official blogger

Being somewhat learning disabled when it comes to technology, I feel proud right now! But knowing my 3-year old could probably do this just burst my bubble! I am historically bad at keeping in touch with friends and family and decided that this would be a way to share our life with those that are scattered about whom we love. I will try to be diligent about posting what is going on in our world. With a 5, 3 and almost 1-year old, it is never boring and the conversations and happenings never cease to amaze me. So, hopefully, our family can bring smiles to some and encouragement to others when you see how the crazy folk live!!


Good night!